This is my third time at this race, and I keep coming back because I love the course, and i will keep coming back until i manage to run every step of this course, which may take a very long time!
I was picked up and we drove the 45 mins through the stunning countryside of Matlock, Matlock Bath, Darley Dale, the stunning Chatsworth Estate, Baslow and then up to Holmesfield its self. we parked up registered and then go into our race kit.
Whilst i queued for the toilets, Jim had time to sneak in a quick pre-race massage. The pre-race warm up was a bit of a mess due to sound equipment problems and most people not really getting involved. managed to jostle up to about the 3rd line of the starting group. a quick 10 second countdown and we were off. It isn't technically an obstacle, but the first 150 meters of the course is an incredibly steep run. that ends with a less steep field to run up. It was only a minute and a half into the race but my lungs and legs were starting to feel the strain.
After the killer uphill start we had a short sand bag carry and 15 meter commando crawl which was very wet and muddy but great fun. it was then my favorite part of the course and one of the unique selling points of this race. The Ravine. The ravine is a steep stumble down to the valley floor into a narrow slate bedded stream. the course at this point become single file but it's hard to press hard enough, to try and pass another racer. running streams and and climbing up and down the small valley walls are hard work but this path is beautiful and incredibly challenging.
Thankful to be resting my legs by crawling |
Once into the open the course took another uphill turn, this long drag always defeats me, turning my pace down to a somber trudge, towards the top i fired my self up and ran the last 20 meters before the narrow young tree wooded area and into the heather and gorse bush strewn moorland. The moorland is a hard place to run due to the tall, sharp gorse bushes trying to snag clothes, shoes, and in my case; beard. The trail its self is incredibly twisty to ensure zero rhythm, and incredibly muddy in places to ensure at least one poor sole will loose their footwear today. The one thing that pushes you on is the knowledge that some great tunnels are up ahead. these 10 meter long, mud carpeted. muddy crawl tunnels.
Managed to hit the ground running |
another run around the edge of a farmer's field and I was met with the monkey bar challenge, last year I had mountain bike gloves on that had zero grip, and I fell at the first rung and, they were to high to re-attempt. but this year I came armed (or should that be handed) with neoprene surf gloves, with more grip than a gecko's gonad. after the monkey bars it was a shock to see the track was through a foot of snow. the hardest things was the dazzling reflection from the sun on the snow. the uphill snow run was hard, but was spurred on by the crowds poking their head over the warm, clapping and cheering on the runners. at the end of the snow was a huge pile of tires, piled up against a gap in the wall. it was half climb half fall to get over the rubber obstacle.
A welcome water stop and a short marsh run, and then, once again opens out into more farmers fields, this was a long drag of runs, but at least I could open up my legs up and build up a decent pace. After a km or 2 the run was brought to an abrupt halt by a 7 foot wooden wall. i slowed to a job and with a meter to go, i leapt and managed to get an arm over, which gave enough purchase to bring a leg over, which gave enough weight to throw the rest of my body over the wall and crash into the floor on the other side. its not elegant, but it is efficient and quick.
I'm a slow swimmer so jump as far as possible |
After a few more minutes it was bath time, a swim across 20 meters of neck deep water with a couple of ropes to help drag yourself across on. As a approached the lip of the water, two cameraman adjusted their position and focused their cameras, and the gathering crowd expected entertainment. Well. I know's it deep. Go on then. I leapt as far as i could and give the water hard and fast. i managed to keep my head out of water but my beard got a dunking. i swam until last couple of meters and then used the ropes to drag myself to my feet and out the other end.
With only 1 km to go the tank is nearly empty |
It was now three hard and lonely zig zags up and down the steep field, a traverse across some chipboard frames, a series of sole destroying hay bale clambers before the hilarious and high speed water slide, with added fairy liquid to help things along. I was now in the quarter of a km so I emptied the tank and ran as hard as possible to the finish line.
Once we hard cleaned up and sneaked another massage in we headed to a local cafe and replaced the lost calories with a huge 10 item breakfast and a mug of tea.
Summary: cross country running, the obstacles are basic and more fun than challenging.
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